Friday, September 10, 2010

When you were two.

Luke: "Mom, who was in heaven when you were two?"
Mom: "My Grandpa." (my mom's dad passed away before I was born)
Luke: "Who else?"
Mom: "I don't know?"
Luke: "Who Mommy, who? Who was in heaven when you were two?"
Mom: "Sorry Luke, I really don't know."
Luke: "They cut their legs off when they die."
Mom: "Luke, that's not very nice to say. Nobody gets their legs cut off when they die."
Luke: "Who mommy, who?"
Mom: "Luke, I really don’t know, you need to tell mommy."
Luke: "Mom! It’s Terry Fox.” and he seemed rather upset with me that I didn’t know who he was talking about!

FYI: I was two when Terry Fox died and I have told Luke that I was the same age as Drew is when Terry Fox dies and of course, he remembers these little details!