Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bedtime prayers

Once the kids are all ready for bed, they hop into bed and it's usually dad who says the bedtime prayer. On occasion, Luke likes to say a small prayer - usually thanking God for making the grass and trees, etc. Most nights Drew will say our mealtime prayer.

Tonight, Mark was not home. Luke asked if I was going to say the prayer. I said, "Sure, but do you want to say anything yourself?" "Sure", he said.

Drew went first. He said his mealtime prayer, as per usual.

Then it was Luke's turn. He thanked God for the grass, the trees and a few other things and then thanked God for making Kindergarten.

Drew then pulled the blankets over his head and added to his prayer, "Thank you God for making Kindergarten, but I really miss Luke."


I'll miss you

For the first time on Monday, I took Drew with me to take Luke to Kindergarten. I'm not sure he really knew what was going on. He knew Luke was starting school and was excited for him, but he just stood with me the whole time as Luke played with his friend.

Today, same thing. However, when it was time for Luke to head into his class room, Drew kept saying, "Luke, I'll miss you." "I'll miss you Luke." Luke was not hearing him, so I let Drew go into the classroom to share his sentiments; Luke put on a big smile and said, "I'll miss you too Drew."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bathroom talk

As I'm sitting on the toilet...

Drew: "Mom, are you holding your penis?"
Mom: "No Drew, mommy doesn't have a penis. Only boys have penis'"
Drew: "Can I see?"
Mom: "No. Go see your dad."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Own bedroom?

Mom: "Hey Luke, how would you feel about having your own bedroom?"
Luke: "That would be great! Then I wouldn't be able to hear Drew all the time and all the noises he makes. I would go to sleep much easier."

...little does Luke know, we have bought a new house and the boys will have separate bedrooms...I hope they are as happy about it as Luke seems to be of the idea!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ice Cream

I got the ice cream out of the freezer for Drew's dessert.

Mom: "Do you want it in an ice cream cone or in a bowl?"
Drew: "In an ice cream cone."
Mom: "Okay, you go get them."
Drew: "How about we do a bowl?"

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Luke wanted to play with his Lite-Brite; however, I had previously explained to him that it was best we do that while Drew naps and unforunately, Drew no longer naps.

Mom: "Why don't we get Daddy to spend some time with Drew so that you and I can play with the Lite-Brite?"

Luke: "Maybe you should spend some time with Drew and I'll spend time with Daddy because Drew loves you more than I do."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lost flashlight

Drew loves flashlights.

He saw the case for his dad's flashlight, which is a favorite and asked where it was. I had used it the night before and left it in the garage, so I told him it was outside. He wanted to go get it, but I said I needed to get ready for work and that we would get it later. He was happy to watch TV while I got ready.

About 10 minutes later, I said it was time for them to get ready for daycare. That's when I realized Drew wasn't watching TV anymore.

I found him at the front door, in his PJs, wearing his shoes (with no socks) and he had my keys and was trying to unlock the door (good thing he doesn't have a clue how, because keys are not needed from the inside!)

When I asked what he was doing he said he was going outside to get the flashlight!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Drew: "Do we need to wear our jackets?"
Mom: "Yes."
Drew: "Why?"
Mom: "Because it's raining outside."
Drew: "When is it ever going to stop raining? It's always raining. I wish it would just go away!"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I love YOU first!

Mommy "I love you Drew!"
Drew: "I love you too! No, I love you first!"
Mommy: "No, I love YOU first!"
Drew: "No, I love YOU first!"
Mommy: "No, I love YOU first!"
Drew: "No, I love YOU first!"
Luke: "If you two don't stop fighting, I'm going to love both of your first!"
Drew: "I love you first and you love me first. How 'bout that?"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sun

While indoors, wearing a baseball cap, on a day where the sun was shining for only few minutes after many days of rain...

Drew: "When is the sun going to go away"
Mom: "Why would you want to sun to go away Drew"
Drew: "Because it hurts my eyes."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Drew was helping me transfer laundry from the washing machine into the dryer. I handed him a t-shirt from the washer to put into the dryer...

Drew: "Hey! Who peed on this???"
Mom: "Nobody Drew. It's wet because mommy washed it."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Brain talk

My in-laws are Oma & Opa and my parents are Grandma & Grandpa.

Luke was spending a few hours at Grandma & Grandpa's while I was at an appointment with Drew.

After accidently calling Grandma "Oma" a few times, Luke was getting frustrated with himself...

Luke (to Grandma): "Oma...gaah"
Luke (while hanging his head down and pointing his finger at his head): "Okay, brain. You've got to listen. Now listen. This is Grandma, not Oma."

He didn't call Grandma "Oma" again...


A conversation with Grandma...

Luke: "First, you must love yourself. And sometimes the people you love might do bad things to you, but you still need to love them."

Monday, March 14, 2011


Mom: "Luke, you need to get out of the van, it's time to go inside."
Luke: "Why can’t I stay in the van?"
Mom: "Because it’s not safe to stay out here by yourself."
Luke: "How is it not safe?"
Mom: "Well, you could hurt yourself and I wouldn't know because I wouldn't be able to hear you."
Luke: "What about bad people? Will they come in the van and get me?"
Mom: "Probably not."
Luke: "Well, if they did, I'd hurt them back even harder. I would hurt them so bad that stuff will come out of them!"

Living arrangements

Luke: "Mommy, I'm going to live with you forever."
Mom: "Don't you want to get married and have a family."
Luke: "Yes, I sure do!"
Mom: "Well don't you think you should live with your wife and kids?"
Luke: "Yes, mom, we'll live here."
Mom: "All of you?"
Luke: "Yes."
in attempt to get out of this...
Mom: "Well, what if Katelyn wants to live with her mom and dad?"
Luke: "They can come too mom!"
Mom: "Well, where will they sleep?"
Luke: "In the beds that they bring?"
Mom: "Where are they going to put their beds?"
Luke: "In the hallway....where I sleep...in the kitchen. They could put them downstairs if they want to, but then they might get scared by the scary shadows down there."

Saturday, March 12, 2011


About an hour after waking up, we are all dressed and have eaten breakfast...

Drew: "Is it time to wake up yet?" (a very common question in our house)
Mom: "Aren't you already awake?"
Drew: "No."
Mom: "Are you sleeping right now?"
Drew: "Yes."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Time to go

As Luke has been sick, my mother-in-law has spent the last two days at our house watching the boys. Tonight, when I arrived home from work, Drew was so excited to see me and came running to me. I picked him up and we had a big hug. Oma walked around the corner and Drew looked right at her and said,

"It's time for you to go home now."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Drew on the phone with mom...

Drew: "I want Mommy & Daddy home"
Mom: "Yes, Drew, Mommy & Daddy are coming home very soon."
Drew: "Why?"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Luke: "What is 5 + 1 ?"
Mom: "7?"
Luke: "No, below that."
Mom: "6?"
Luke: "That was too easy!"


Luke: "I'm frustrated today"
Mom: "Why is that?"
Luke: "Because I don't have my eyesight today. It's not as good as it used to be."
Mom: "I'm sorry to hear that."
Luke: "It's okay, it will be back tomorrow."

Two daddies?

Drew: "I want two daddies"
Mom: "Why do you need two daddies?"
Drew: "Daddy is broken."

FYI - Drew's daddy is not broken, he's totally fine...no idea where this came from?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Luke: "Mom, do you know what I want to be when I grow up to be a human?"
Mom: "Luke, you are already a human."
Luke: "No, I'm not mom; only adults are human."

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Luke: "When we have babies, their names are going to be 'Luke' and 'Anthony'"
Mom: "Whose babies?"
Luke: "Mine and Katelyn's. And if we have another one, it's name will be 'Drew'."
Mom: "What if you have a girl?"
Luke: "We'll name it 'Katelyn'."

(Katelyn's brother's name is Anthony)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As Drew is sitting on the potty...

Luke: "Dad, do you know what girls don't have?"
Dad: "What?"
Luke: "A p____."


Luke: “Mom, do you know what a hypothesis is?”
Mom: “What?”
Luke: “It means to test something.”

Monday, February 21, 2011

The cats

A conversation at bedtime...
Luke: “When we move, are Sugar and Spice going to stay here?”
Mom: “No Luke, if we move, we will take the cats with us.”
Luke: “But what if somebody else wants them?”
Mom: “Well that’s too bad, they are our cats and we’d like to keep them.”
Luke: “hmmm”
Mom: “What if someone else wants you? Does that mean we’d leave you here too?”
Luke: “Don’t worry mom. I’ll just dance like a dinosaur and then they won’t want me”
Mom" "Can you show me how dinosaurs dance?"
Luke then got up and danced and roared!

Helpful big brother

On the way home from daycare, Drew had been acting up and I was waiting for an apology. As we neared the house, this conversation took place:

Mom: “Drew, do you have anything you want to say to Mom?”
Drew: “No.”
Luke: (whispering) “Drew, say ‘sorry’. Tell Mom you are sorry. Drew. Say sorry. Drew. Drew. Tell Mom you are sorry”
Drew: silent
Luke: “Mom, do you know what I said to Drew?”
Mom: “What?”
Luke: “I told him that I loved him”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The wedding

Luke and his bestest friend ever, Katelyn, have regularly talked about getting married for months.

Today, they decided, was a good day.

At lunch, they told their teachers at daycare that they wanted to get married. The teachers suggested they wait until after quiet/nap time (thinking they would forget about it).

After quiet time, Katelyn made herself a flower boquet. She then dressed up in a princess dress, in preparation to marry my son. Another girl was upset because she wanted to marry Luke, so Katelyn let her be a bridesmaid and gave her the flowers to carry down the isle (my boy has good taste!)

And then, while sporting a stylish clown hat, my son became a husband at the young age of 4.

And of course, the formal ceremony was followed by their first dance.

Luke was very proud of his new bride. I told him that I was proud of his choice, but that I would have liked to have been invited to his special day.

His response: "Don't worry Mom, it was just pretend. You can come when we really get married."